About Protein Encoding

Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary scientific subject that combines the computer science, mathematics, biology and medicine. Jobs in bioinformatics are storing, retrieving, organizing and analyzing biological data, so as to understand the evolutionary and functional aspects of molecular biology.Recently, machine learning methods are introduced into the bioinformatics, especially the protein function and structure prediction. The popular machine learning methods, for example support vector machine, neutral network, decision tree and etc., usually require the numerical vectors for model construction. In order to build the machine learning-based models for bioinformatics, the protein sequences should be represented (also well know as ‘encoding’) as the numerical vectors.

Citation : "İrfan Kösesoy, Murat Gök, and Cemil Öz. "PROSES: A Web Server for Sequence-Based Protein Encoding." Journal of Computational Biology 25.10 (2018): 1120-1122."

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